News - Academy Projects
This year we have been working with Lincolnshire County Council to Beat the Sweet.
We are learning that sugar in our diet is fine in moderation, but we need to be mindful of too much sugar each day.
Our Academy Council are helping us meet our school pledges on how we can all reduce our sugar intake.
So far, we have changed our school cooking curriculum to savoury recipes. We have looked carefully at our school menus at Breakfast Club and Afterschool Club and reduced our sugary treats. We have adapted our school snacks and lunchtime items.
Our next task is for our school teachers to work with our school kitchens to reduce the sugar in our school meal puddings.
We have launched our SMILES project in EYFS and Year 1. We are learning how to keep our teeth and gums healthy. We are working with the Lincolnshire Dental Team and teaching the children about sustained oral health. Each day the children learn how to brush their teeth and maintain a pain-free smile.
Our children at Staniland Academy are talented and intelligent. They will change the world. We are working with every year group (Reception to Y6) to introduce the children to a wide-ranging careers and pathways that they may follow.
We are part of the Start Small, Dream Big Project.
We now have an annual careers event for all year six children. This grew this year with industries from across the country. We were delighted that the RAF, Boston United, local business owners, doctors and nurses, human resources managers - to name a few, spent time with our children inspiring them and answering all of their career questions.
We have two parents that are our link STEM professionals. Our children learn about jobs within our community.
Every school topic has career links within industry and professions that are explored with the children throughout the term.
We celebrate employment and having a choice of employment being powerful. Our children dream big and will achieve their dreams.