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Academy Office

Clubs and Extra Curricular Opportunities

Staniland Academy offers a wide range of clubs for all year groups.  Please see below the wide range of clubs that have been on offer and will be on offer throughout the year; we are always adding more to the list as well.  Staniland also takes part in the school football leagues, sports partnership events and other events across Boston schools with Elite.  Our club offer, during a typical year, may include:

Athletics, Archery, Art, Backgammon, Bananagrams, Bingo, Board games, Cheerleading, Chess, Choir, Coding, Crafts, Curling, Darts, Dodgeball, Drama, Film club, Gardening, Football (Girls and Boys), Jigsaws, Junk modelling, Kuk Sool Won (Martial Arts), Lego, Maths, Model painting, Musical Theatre, Multi-Skills Sports Club, Music, Netball, Origami, Singing and Dancing, Sewing, Tennis, Times Tables, Yoga.

Each term, children will be invited to choose a club to attend from a selection of the above. Parents can sign children up to clubs on our WEDUC app, or speak to the office team.

We are part of the Voyage Education Partnership

Voyage Education Partnership Venture House, Enterprise Way Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7TW