Contact Us
Staniland Academy
Staniland Academy
Peck Avenue,
PE21 8DF
If you would like to contact the school, please use one of the following methods. Alternatively, you can use the contact form. We look forward to hearing from you. Helen Boyd and Connor Lowe will be happy to help and will answer any queries from parents and members of the public. The school office is open from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm.
Telephone: 01205 365527
Media Email:
Staniland Academy is part of Voyage Education Partnership and more information can be found at
Headteacher: Rachel Bailey
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Kerry Carr
Deputy Safeguarding Leads: Rachel Bailey and Emma Barton
Trust Safeguarding Lead: Sue Clinton
E Safety Officer: Kerry Carr
Academy Attendance Champion: Kerry Carr
Family Support and Attendance Officer: Martin King
Chair of Trustees: Mr Christopher Penny, contact via letters to Staniland Academy with the attention of Chair of Trustees/ Christopher Penny.
Trust Inclusion Lead: Maxine Cunningham
If you have any queries about SEND and you would like to contact the Academy’s SENCO, please use one of the following methods and ask to speak to Emma Barton.
Telephone: 01205 365527
Contact Us
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